According to and for the effect of the article 10 of n. 675/1996 law D.lgs 196/2003, conveying arrangements for the 'people and other dependents protection in the treatment of personal data', we declare what follows:
- The data are collected by us in order to provide to the fulfillments connected to the economic activities of the company, and especially for the respect of the obligations resulting from the statutory, fiscal and public security regulations also concerning the dispatching of commercial informations of various kinds, of advertising material and special offers.
- The data will be managed and kept by us in both computer file archives and papery archives and all the suitable tools will be used in order to guarantee their safety.
- I dati saranno da noi organizzati e conservati in archivi informatici e cartacei e saranno utilizzati tutti gli strumenti idonei a garantirne la sicurezza.
- Data’s treatment is an essential presupposition for the conclusion of a supply and service contract, since it’s impossible to proceed to the billing operations and to fulfill the fiscal and public safety obligations without those data.
- We inform you that according to the article13 of the law n.675/1996 and to the article 7 of the legislative decree 196/2003, the person concerned has the right to obtain by the holder the confirmation of the existence or not of its own personal data, to know the purposes of such data’s treatment, to obtain the cancellation of the data if the norms are violated as well as the updating, the correction and integration of such data, and to oppose, for legitimate reasons, to the treatment of the abovementioned data.
- The owner of the personal data treatment is Mr. Maurizio Zurli.